42nd re-rooters day ceremony - january 7, 2025 - Provincetown harbor
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NOTE: Excepts for the 2025 ceremony.
42nd Re-Rooters Day Ceremony - 1-7-2025 - Provincetown Harbor
on the unceded Land of the Wampanoag Nation
Carbon Captured Broligarchs
nobraC derutpaC shcragilorB
The Lord appeared to Moses in the form of a burning bush and gave them
The Ten Commandments of Self-Trafficking
1. Cultivated amnesia Is the Lord Thy God and though shalt not have porn literacy ordinariness hacking cost shock kelp forested polyethylene womyn galactic backyards
CHANT after each: nobraC derutpaC shcragilorB
2. Thou shalt not foredoom health trackered wealth hoarded war is over Cat-gate immigrant voice alteration services deep throating drill baby refugee upcycled brain rot
3. Thou shalt not Interoperably serial consume tax uncut low propensity voters missile dueling disgorged frictionless hydrogen hub singulatarian reproductive Deep State carbonic acid clouds
4. Thou shalt not keep holy non-binary de-banking hypersonic Carbon Kindness Skibidi freak offs emotionally cancelling geocentric predictive market race-baiting suicidality
5. Honor thy father and thy mother: Taylor + Swift
6. Thou shalt not kill lawyering up microbial modes of closeness solar radiating tech-forward anthropic pressured swilling sodium hydroxide crypto au courant
7. Thou shalt not commit river lime assault rifle deactivation grounds truthing incarcerated Welderly biocumulative Christian benefit managers Global Yawning Shack Burger Kits
8. Thou shalt not snatch undruggable simulmatic neural radiant datafication methoding raw milk petrochemical arms-controlled info war extinction bursts
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against nuclear extracted expertocracies unmidfulnessing cattle laundering alkaline enhanced persuadable disaster index spin launching self-trafficking attention capitalists
10. Thou shalt not covet unburied mixed media rare earth apex predators boarding schooled cuddle puddle spin launch disembodied immigrant dark-mattered toggled Fabulist Dupe Culture.
Let it be known that the devils and sinners who deceive us shall be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the false prophets are and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
A (wo)men.
CHANT after each: nobraC derutpaC shcragilorB
2. Thou shalt not foredoom health trackered wealth hoarded war is over Cat-gate immigrant voice alteration services deep throating drill baby refugee upcycled brain rot
3. Thou shalt not Interoperably serial consume tax uncut low propensity voters missile dueling disgorged frictionless hydrogen hub singulatarian reproductive Deep State carbonic acid clouds
4. Thou shalt not keep holy non-binary de-banking hypersonic Carbon Kindness Skibidi freak offs emotionally cancelling geocentric predictive market race-baiting suicidality
5. Honor thy father and thy mother: Taylor + Swift
6. Thou shalt not kill lawyering up microbial modes of closeness solar radiating tech-forward anthropic pressured swilling sodium hydroxide crypto au courant
7. Thou shalt not commit river lime assault rifle deactivation grounds truthing incarcerated Welderly biocumulative Christian benefit managers Global Yawning Shack Burger Kits
8. Thou shalt not snatch undruggable simulmatic neural radiant datafication methoding raw milk petrochemical arms-controlled info war extinction bursts
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against nuclear extracted expertocracies unmidfulnessing cattle laundering alkaline enhanced persuadable disaster index spin launching self-trafficking attention capitalists
10. Thou shalt not covet unburied mixed media rare earth apex predators boarding schooled cuddle puddle spin launch disembodied immigrant dark-mattered toggled Fabulist Dupe Culture.
Let it be known that the devils and sinners who deceive us shall be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the false prophets are and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
A (wo)men.
12 Days of Stockpiling
(Twelve Days of Christmas) 1.And profitability 2.Drone swarms 3.Robber Barons 4.Colonic dates 5.+++Aging organs 6.Rare earth minerals 7.Famished seekers 8.Go cart drill teams 9.Panda Chatbots 10.Retributions 11.Road rage nations 12.AI Agents |
Questions for a New Year of Retributions:
Are you creating Mindful Pollution? Have you tried the dating concierge for the Welderly? Are you choosing “the right to remain Unknown?” Being self-partnered, are you feeling Self-Carelessness? Does your esoteric hedonism include a Fragrance Wardrobe? Are you experiencing Pre-emptive Revenge? Have you reached a point in your life of being Undruggable? Are you experiencing what Dr. Ruth calls, Frictionless Sex? |