37th Re-Rooters Day Ceremony – 1-7-2020 –Provincetown Harbor
Extractive Democracy
evitcartxE ycarcomeD
Officiated by Jay Critchley, CEO, IRS, International Re-Rooters Society
The Lord appeared to Moses in the form of a burning bush and gave her…
The Ten Commandments of Extractive Democracy
evitcartxE ycarcomeD
Officiated by Jay Critchley, CEO, IRS, International Re-Rooters Society
The Lord appeared to Moses in the form of a burning bush and gave her…
The Ten Commandments of Extractive Democracy
- Predatory billionaires are the Lord Thy God and thou shalt not redline industrial livestocked post-carbon branded dream hacking sanitation
Repeat after each: evitcartxE ycarcomneD - Though shalt not superbug corporate mystics plank posing resource colony granular sexually abusive authentic lifestyle brand shootings
- Though shalt not data mine super clustered bombs de-Colonizing credit card implanted anionic stop and piss eternal combustion engines
- Thou shalt keep holy indigenous enhanced climatized atomic clocks market-sharing transactional bro cultural single use soil insecurity
- Honor thy father and thy mother: Pay & Play
- Thou shalt not slaughter supply-chained supernatural cleaning start-upped predictive policing permafrosting monopolized memory prosthetics
- Thou shalt not commit systemic self-partnered cryongenized brain accelerators femteching block chained base card aerosolized fecal bacteria
- Thou shalt not commit methaned plant enabled distributional happiness managing extinction vape penned fast fashion profit driven reciprocity
- Thou shalt not carbon sequester commodity speculators sciencing reparational systemic incarcerating misgendered pulpits of commerce
- Thou shalt not covet un-Frozen Global South forever-chemicaled hangry male panic enslaving salubrious singularity Swidden manure stewardshipping microplastic monastic capitalism
Let it be known that the devils and sinners who deceive us shall be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beasts and false profits are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
Probing questions
Response: evitcartxE ycarcomneD
Are your flawed brain cells self-implanted?
Are you a thought leader, a caught leader, distraught leader or a bought leader?
Are you feeling A Crapello?
Is your lifestyle brand un-Frozen™?
Has food insecurity dulled your taste clusters?
Have you hired a corporate mystic as your happiness manager?
(where no good deeds go unpaid)
Has your implanted credit card affected your micro productivity?
Are you experiencing coal-ashed facial recognition?
Are you crashing from Quid yo blows?