Post Office Box 819
Provincetown, MA 02657
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Exhibition Catalog Chronology
Post Office Box 819
Provincetown, MA 02657
[email protected]
Exhibition Catalog Chronology
2025 Democracy of the Land, Inc.: FLAGrancy, Montserrat College of Art, January 28 - March 5, 2025
2024 Democracy of the Land: Patriotism, Spoke, Boston MA, May 23, 2024
2022 Baby Boomers, AMP Gallery, Provincetown
2021 Democracy of the Land: Viral Warming, AMP Gallery Provincetown, MA
2020 The Whiteness House – tarred and feathered, outdoor, performative installation, Bubala’s, Commercial Street, Provincetown, MA
2017 The Whiteness House – tarred and feathered, Santa Fe Art Institute, NM
2016 Jay Critchley, Incorporated, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL
2015 Jay Critchley, Incorporated, Provincetown Art Association & Museum, Provincetown, MA
2012 The iZONE – Archival Interlude, The Deconsumptionists, Brooklyn, NY
2011 Deep Bones, Freight + Volume, NYC, NY
2009 Big Tent Theory – Obama’s First 100 Days, DNA Gallery, Provincetown, MA
2008 Beige Brigade, artSTRAND Gallery, Provincetown, MA
2006 Beige Motel 21 Gun Dilute, artSTRAND Gallery, Provincetown, MA
2003 Masquerade Ball Project, MilePost 5, Portland, OR
2001 Outermost Alms Museum, DNA Gallery, Provincetown, MA
1997 P-Town, Inc, Casket and Capsule Condo Community, DNA Gallery, Provincetown, MA
1996 Olympdick Gold- It’s hard to be a man, DNA Gallery, Provincetown, MA
1995 Blessed Virgin Rubber Goddess – Immaculate Protection, DNA Gallery, Provincetown, MA
1995 Playing Games- Zoa, the Greek Fertility Goddess, Shoots for the Gold, Atlantic Festival of the Arts, Atlanta, GA
1992 Condomized Living: Smart Accoutrements For An Erotic Planet, Berta Walker Gallery, Provincetown, MA
1985 TACKItown, Hells Kitchen Gallery, Provincetown, MA
2016 Fine Arts Work Center, AMP Art Market Provincetown, Berta Walker Gallery, Provincetown, MA
2014 Fire & Ice: Video, AMP Art Market Provincetown, MA
2011 The Projected Image, ArtSTRAND Gallery, Provincetown, MA
2011 Martucket Eyeland Resort & Theme Park, University Museum of Contemporary Art, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
Exhibition of Boston Society of Architects, traveling to England, France, Holland and Germany.
2008 GLOBAL YAWNING for a small planet – a new day is yawning, artSTRAND, Provincetown, MA
2008 GLOBAL YAWNING for a small planet – a new day is yawning, Boston Center for the Arts, Boston, MA
2007 Old Glory Condom Corporation, The LAB, San Francisco, CA
2006 Martucket Eyeland Resort & Theme Park, Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, PA
2005 Masquerade Ball Project, Fine Arts Work Center, Provincetown, MA
2003 S.A.R.S/CARS- Weapons of Gas Destruction, DNA Gallery, Provincetown, MA
1997 Old Glory Condom Corporation, MIT List Visual Arts Center, Cambridge, MA
1995 Blessed Virgin Rubber Goddess – Immaculate Protection, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, MA
1994 Blessed Virgin Rubber Goddess – Immaculate Protection, Boston Center for the Arts, Boston, MA
1994 Over The Rainbow Rubbers – Worn with Toto Pride, Storefront for Art and Architecture, NYC, NY
1994 Condomized Living: Smart Accoutrements For An Erotic Planet, 494 Gallery, NYC, NY
1992 TACKI Installation, Art in General, NYC, NY
1992 Old Glory Condom Corporation, Real Art Ways, Hartford, CT
1990 Old Glory Condom Corporation, Hartford Athenaeum, Hartford, CT
1990 Old Glory Condom Corporation, San Francisco Art Institute, CA
1990 Old Glory Condom Corporation, University of Maryland, College Park, PA
2025 42nd Re-Rooters Day Ceremony, Harbor Hotel beach, 4:00 PM, Tuesday, January 7, 2025
2024 41st Re-Rooters Day Ceremony, Harbor Hotel beach, 4 PM, January 7, 2024
2023 Jay Critchley gives keynote at UK Menstruation and Sustainability Conference in Scotland, May 26
2022 40th Annual Re-Rooters Day Ceremony to Highlight Global Exploitive Economy with Ritualized Community Participation, Dec 7
2016 Don’t Be Crude: H2O-I-L, Institute of Sociometry, Los Angeles, CA
2016 Bound East for Easter Rebellion, AMP Gallery, Provincetown, MA
2014 Planet Snowvio, UC Berkeley Art Museum, Berkeley, CA
1983-present Re-Rooters Day Ceremony, Int’l Re-Rooters Society (IRS), annual ritual/ceremony on January 7, Provincetown, MA
2015 Experiments & Disorders, Dixon Place, NYC, NY
2014 Planet SNOWVIO, University of California, Berkley Art Museum, Berkley, CA
2014 Planet SNOWVIO, Provincetown Theater, Provincetown, MA
2009 21 Gun Salute, Tennessee Williams Theater Festival, Provincetown, MA
2010 Masquerade Ball Project, Hemispheric Institute for Performance & Politics, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2008 Martucket Eyeland Resort & Theme Park − Trust the magic, Mass College of Art, Boston, MA
2008 Martucket Eyeland Resort & Theme Park − Trust the magic, Boston Society of Architects, award ceremony, Boston, MA
2007 21 Gun Dilute, Beige Motel, Pilgrim Springs Motel, North Truro, MA
2000 No With the Flow, Race Point Beach, Cape Cod National Seashore, Provincetown, MA
1991 Atomic Pulpit – Nuke My Lips (ekuN yM spiL), and public installation, Boston Center for the Arts, Boston, MA
1990 Re-Rooted Purple Cow, Williams Collage, Williamstown, MA
1990 Lympdick Diatribes, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
1988 Homage To The Atomic Age, Penn State Museum, College Park, PA
1987 Dedication of the World’s 1st NRC Community, Phipps Bend, TN
1986 Miss Tampon Liberty, Freedom for the Environment Rally, Liberty State Park, NJ
1986 Women for Whoppers, Burger King public hearing, Provincetown Town Hall, Provincetown, MA
1985 Atomic Equinox, Mass College of Art, Boston, MA
1985 Atomic Equinox, Provincetown Art Association & Museum, Provincetown, MA
1984 Popcorn Superbowl, Provincetown Art Association & Museum, Provincetown, MA
1983 Immunity Mandala – a community ritual, AIDS healing ritual, Provincetown Harbor Beach, Provincetown, MA
2016-19 Prayer Ribbons, from the Provincetown Swim for Life AIDS and women’s health benefit, Provincetown Community Compact; Provincetown Town Hall, Orlando, FL. and Capitol Hill, Washington, DC
2016 Septic Sculpture, collaboration with Florida Atlantic University students/faculty; Jay Critchley, Incorporated, Boca Raton, FL
2014 Beige Ice, sand-covered frozen pond, Cape Cod National Seashore, Provincetown, MA
2012 Ten Days That Shook the World: the Centennial Decade, Herring Cove Beach Bathhouse, Cape Cod National Seashore, Provincetown, MA
2008 Final Passage, Cryptic Providence, North Burial Ground, Providence, RI
2008 Twenty-One Gun Salute, PULSE, Art Basel Miami, Miami, FL
2007 Beige Motel, Pilgrim Springs Motel, North Truro, MA
2006 BEIGE Project, Beige Brigade, Revolving Museum, Lowell, MA
2001 Tiresome Tabernacle, Cape Cod National Seashore, Provincetown, MA
1995 Blessed Virgin Rubber Goddess – Immaculate Protection, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, MA
1995 Blessed Virgin Rubber Goddess – Immaculate Protection, Boston Center for the Arts, Boston, MA
1988 Future Earth Corporation, Boston City Hall outdoor atrium, Boston, MA
1987 Live Free Or Die, National Nuclear Monument & Energy Research Institute at Seabrook, billboard installations, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, highway locations MA/NH
1985 Satellite At Lotta’s Landing, Boston Arts Festival, Charles River Esplanade, Boston, MA
1984 Just Visiting For The Weekend; Blasted, sand car sculpture series, MacMillan Wharf Parking Lot, Provincetown, MA
1983 Just Visiting For The Weekend; A Fulfilling Summer, sand car sculpture series, MacMillan Wharf Parking Lot, Provincetown, MA
1982 Just Visiting For The Weekend; the Sand Family, sand car sculpture series, MacMillan Wharf Parking Lot, Provincetown, MA
1982 Just Visiting For The Weekend, sand car sculpture series, Boston’s Museum of Transportation, Boston, MA
1981 Just Visiting For The Weekend, sand car sculpture series, MacMillan Wharf Parking Lot, Provincetown, MA
2012 Ten Days That Shook the World: the Centennial Decade, 50 artists, 30 events, Herring Cove Beach Bathhouse, Cape Cod National Seashore, Provincetown, MA
2008 Cryptic Providence, 12 artists, North Burial Ground, Providence, RI
2007 Beige Motel, 7 artists, Pilgrim Springs Motel, North Truro, MA
2003 LETOM SWODAEM (Meadows Motel), 8 artists, Meadows Motel, Provincetown, MA
2001 Tiresome Tabernacle, 20 performers, Cape Cod National Seashore, Provincetown, MA
1999 100 Artists in the Community, produced by the Provincetown Community Compact, 15 art projects, Provincetown, MA
1998-2004 Theater in the Ground @ Septic Space, 30 performers per year, in artist’s backyard septic tank, 7 Carnes Lane, Provincetown, MA
1992 Conn-dom Nation, Real Art Ways, 15 teenagers, Hartford, CT
2016 Prayer Ribbons Project, World AIDS Day, Cannon Caucus Room, US Congress, Washington, DC
2016 Prayer Ribbons Project, with families of Orlando nightclub shooting, Leu Gardens and Orlando City Hall, Orlando, FL
1988-present Swim for Life, annual fundraiser for HIV/AIDS services
1993-present The Provincetown Community Compact, non-profit arts organization
2013 Arts Foundation of Cape Cod grant, Centerville, MA
2011 Awesome Foundation grant, Boston, MA
2007 Rhode Island Foundation grant, Providence, RI
2006 Boston Society of Architects, special recognition for Martucket Eyeland Resort & Theme Park, Boston, MA
2004 LEF Foundation grant, Cambridge, MA
2002 HBO Award, Toilet Treatments, Provincetown International Film Festival, Provincetown, MA
2002 Tanne Foundation award, Boston, MA
2000 LEF Foundation grant, Cambridge, MA
1999 LEF Foundation grant, Cambridge, MA
1998 National Art & Design Competition for Street Trees, Big Twig awarded 1st Prize from City University of NY, Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum/Smithsonian, and Trees NYC, NY
1998 The Holistic Options for Planet Earth Sustainability Conference (HOPES), award for Big Twig, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
1996 Massachusetts Cultural Council grant
1994 Massachusetts Cultural Council grant
1994 LEF Foundation grant, Cambridge, MA
1994 Arts Foundation of Cape Cod grant, Hyannis, MA
1991 Massachusetts Artist Foundation grant, Boston, MA
1991 LEF Foundation grant, Cambridge, MA
1991 Art Matters grant, NYC, NY
1990 Art Matters grant, NYC, NY
1989 Franklin Furnace, Performance Art Award, NYC, NY
1989 Public Art Fund grant, NYC, NY
1985 Massachusetts Council on the Arts, New Works grant
Museum of Modern Art, NYC, NY
Provincetown Art Association and Museum, Provincetown, MA
Pilgrim Monument & Museum, Provincetown, MA
2021 Cill Rialaig, Ballinskelligs, Co. Kerry, Ireland
2017 Santa Fe Art Institute, Santa Fe, New Mexico
2015 Cape Cod Community College, Barnstable, MA
2013 Fundación Valparaiso, Mojacar, Spain
2013 CAMAC, Marnay-sur-Seine, France
2010 Milepost 5, Portland, OR
2002 Harvestworks Digital Media Arts Center, NYC, NY
2001 AS220, Providence, RI
1999-2000 Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
1993 Jacob’s Pillow, Becket, MA
1990 Williams College, Williamstown, MA
1988 Real Art Ways, Hartford, CT
1987 Real Art Ways, Hartford, CT
2016 Post-Truth: Smoke Screen, Institute of Sociometry, Los Angeles, CA
2013 Fireflies in the Night: The Great American Wigwam Burner, (16 min 32 sec), Portland, OR
2013 Post-Truth Smoke Screen Deployment, (5 min 2 sec), Provincetown, MA
2012 The iZone – Port-O-Potty to Port-O-Planet, (2 min 23 sec), Provincetown, MA
2011 Day Without Oil – Don’t Be Crude: “BP: Life is Good” (2 min 35 sec), “BP: Don’t Be Crude” (2 min 22 sec) and “BP: Be My Valentine” (2 min 42 sec),
2010 21 Gun Salute, (9 min 54 sec) Provincetown Harbor, MA, Provincetown, MA
2008 GLOBAL YAWNING for a small planet – a new day is yawning, (2 min 56 sec), two-channel video, photos, website
2009 GLOBAL YAWNING for a small planet – a new day is yawning, Bogotá, Columbia
2009 PIECE – Yes We Can, The First 100 Days of PIECE, (7 min 3 sec), Provincetown, MA
2007 Prime Minister Vladimir Putin Visits Beige Motel, (1 min 42 sec), Provincetown, MA
2007 Transamerica – Condoms with a Conscience, (4 min), San Francisco, CA
2006 Christmas Warming Alphabet, (2 min 6 sec) Provincetown, MA
2005 Providence Dirt Newsreel, (18 min) Providence, RI
2004 Big Twig Tunnel Tapes – Boston’s Big Dig Sings, CD and 15 min video, Boston, MA
2002 Toilet Treatments, Provincetown, MA
2021 Provincetown 2020 – 36 Solar Lights (8 min), Provincetown International Film Festival
2015 Fireflies in the Night: The Great American Wigwam Burner, Eugene International Film Festival, Eugene, OR
2015 Jay Critchley: Business as Unusual, showcase, Provincetown Int’l Film Festival, MA
2006 Christmas Warming Alphabet, Provincetown Int’l Film Festival, Provincetown, MA
2005 Providence Dirt Newsreel, Anthology Film Archives, NY
2005 Toilet Treatments, Anthology Film Archives, NY
2002 Providence Dirt Newsreel, AS220, Providence, RI
2002 Toilet Treatments, HBO Audience Award, Provincetown Int’l Film Festival, Provincetown, MA
2015 Jay Critchley, Incorporated, 76-page catalog, Provincetown Arts Press, Provincetown, MA
2015 Touching the Beach. Provincetown Arts Magazine, Issue 30, 2015: 78.
2005 Martucket Eyeland Resort & Theme Park proposed for Nantucket Sound, Cape Cod Magazine, Nov/Dec 2005: 98.
1997 Cultural Battlefield: Art Censorship & Public Art Funding, Jennifer A. Peter and Louis M. Crosier, Avocus, Gilsum, NH
1999 P-town, Inc: Survivalist Camp Resort, with placemat insert, Provincetown Arts Press, Provincetown, MA
1999 P-town, Inc: Survivalist Camp Resort, Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review, Vol. 6, Issue 3; 38
1995 Playing Games – Zoa, the Greek Fertility Goddess, Shoots for the Gold, Atlantic Arts Festival, Parfait de Cocoa, Atlanta, GA
1993 Promotional Copy, Ed. Robin Kahn, NY, NY
1993 Special Issue, Ed. Robin Kahn, NY, NY
1992 Movement Research, Eds. Cathy Edwards and Kate Ramsey, Issue 5, NYC, NY
1992 “Emerald Links: Eco-Linkage for Survival.” Massachusetts Highway Department Report, Nov 1992: 25-27.
1984 Build Your Own Monument, Provincetown, MA
2020 Democracy of the Land – The Moo Moo World 1620, Provincetown Arts Press, Provincetown, MA
2016 is Emancipation, 1995-2016, Institute of Sociometry at 21, is Press, Denver, CO
2015 Building Provincetown: The History of Provincetown Told Through Its Built Environment, David W. Dunlap, Provincetown, MA
2013 “Moby Dick Big Read: Chapter 84: Pitchpoling,” Peninsula Arts with Plymouth University
2006 Washed Up: The Curious Journeys of Flotsam and Jetsam, Skye Moody, Sasquash Books, Seattle, WA
2003 Outspoken, Nan Levinson, University of California Press, Berkley, CA
2002 Ptown-Art, Sex, and Money on the Outer Cape, Peter Manso, Scribner, NY, NY
1986 Sex and Death to the Age 14, Spalding Gray, Vintage: Random House, NY, NY
2009 Ptown Diaries, documentary film, LOGO TV, NYC, NY
1996 Under Wraps: A Film about Going with the Flow, documentary film, 56 min, National Film Board of Canada
1990 Provincetown, U.S.A., PBS documentary, WGBH Boston, MA
1989 Troubled Waters-Plastics in the Marine Environment, PBS documentary, Amherst, MA
Peace, Love & Soup podcast, P-Town Soup #1: Entering Provincetown, 2020
Listen to “Lucy’s Sonic ID”, Lucy Kang Interviewing Laura Shabott about ReRooters Day Ceremony, June 9, 2015
Conceptual Craft Artist Jay Critchley, The Lowdown with Ira Wood, WOMR 92.1 FM, Provincetown, MA, May 26, 2015
Joshua Prager and Jay Critchley, Arts Week with Jeannette de Beauvoir, WOMR 92.1 FM, Provincetown, MA, May 14, 2015
Provincetown Performance Artist Jay Critchley Finds Unusual Path to Fame, Lucy Kang, WCAI Local NPR for the Cape, the Coast and the Islands, 90.1FM, May 25, 2015
Janet Lesniak and Jay Critchley, Arts Week with Jeannette de Beauvoir, WOMR 92.1 FM, Provincetown, MA, April 2, 2015
Provincetown – The Gayest Little City in the World, Eric Jansen, KALW 91.7FM, San Francisco, CA, April 16, 2015
Jay Critchley, Arts Week with Jeannette de Beauvoir, WOMR 92.1 FM, Provincetown, MA, Jan 8, 2015
Artist Jay Critchley, Arts Week with Jeannette de Beauvoir, WOMR 92.1 FM, Provincetown, MA, Jan 9, 2014
Artist and Activist Jay Critchley Discusses the 25th Anniversary of the Provincetown Harbor Swim for Life and Paddler Flotilla, Charlotte Robinson, Outtake Voices, HuffPost Gay Voices, Aug 30, 2012
The Art of Global Warming, Life on Earth, March 28, 2008.
2000 Scat Chat, 13 programs, WOMR 92.1 FM, Provincetown, MA
1983 A.R.T. Focus (Artists Reveal Themselves), 45 programs, WOMR 92.1 FM, Provincetown, MA
2008 Beige Motel Arrives in Boston, Rose Kennedy Greenway, Boston, MA
1997 P-town, Inc: Formerly Provincetown “You’ll Swear You Were Really There”, Provincetown, MA
1997 P-Town, Inc, Visitor Processing Center, Provincetown, MA
1995 Blessed Virgin Rubber Goddess: Enola Ebola – Atomic Virus, 1945-1995
1993 Puzzled Club International – Piece to Peace, Provincetown, MA
1992 Clear Cut Living, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
1991 The Fertility Project: Cape Cod Bay Tampon Blockade, Cape Cod Bay, MA
1988 National Seismic Radiation Institute at Diablo Canyon, San Luis Obispo, CA
1987 World’s 1st Whale and Human Evacuation Canal on Cape Cod, MA
1986 World’s 1st Nuclear Resort Community, Seabrook, MA
1985 Underwater Diplomacy – U.S.S.R. Sub Zero Project
1983 Three Mile Island Historic Nuclear Park & Planned Community – a Symbol of National Pride, Londonderry, PA
1982 Mountain Farms Mall Monument & Museum of Modern Archaeology, 1982 A.D., Hadley, MA
Re-Rooters Day Ceremony, ptownie, Aug. 17, 2023
Dark Valley Podcast Chapter 2, Time Will Tell, The unsolved murder of Betsy Critchley, 2023
The Menstrual Minstrel Visits Scotland, Provincetown Independent, June 8, 2023
Remembering Pulse Shooting Victims with Orlando Prayer Ribbons, Orlando, FL June 9, 2023
Miss Tampon Liberty, St. Andrews UniversityNewsletter, June 2, 2023
Casting Out the Worst of the Old Year, Cape Cod Times, January 7, 2023
Arts of Renewal for Troubled Times, Provincetown Independent, January 4, 2023
40th Annual Re-Rooters Day Ceremony to Highlight Global Exploitive Economy with Ritualized Community Participation, Dec 7, 2022
O'Neill Society News, with Susan Rand Brown, Fall, 2022.
Artists of Provincetown, by Ron Amato Ptownie, 2022 Art Issue
Michael J. Andrews: We Are All Connected by Jay Critchley, Ptownie, 2022 Art Issue
LISTEN: Veteran Filmmakers Talk LGBTQ Issues at Ptown Film Festival, June 2022
'Angels are Still Dancing': Pulse Victims Remembered in Orlando 6 Years Later, WESH, June 10, 2022
The Alternate Realities of Michael J. Andrews, The Provincetown Independent, May 25, 2022
Covid Masks Among Discards at Annual Re-Rooters Day Event, January 10, 2022
Viral Walking, Provincetown Arts, 2021-2022
Last Day First Day, 2021, page 17, 2021
Miss Tampon Liberty, Discard Studies, Jun 15, 2021
AN EXTRACTION EPIDEMIC, Provincetown Magazine, June 9, 2021 -
THE ART OF COVID Jay Critchley’s Banner Year, Provincetown Independent, May 26, 2021
At Home in Jay Critchley's Cesspool, Provincetown Independent, May 12, 2021
A Conversation with Jay Critchley, Sculpture Magazine, March/April 2021
After potato submission, artist Jay Critchley eyes new projects in ancestral lands, Provincetown Banner, March 7, 2021
The Great Wonder, Inside Ireland, January 29 2021
The Whiteness House, buildingprovincetown2020.org, January 28, 2021
38th Re-Rooters Day Ceremony Front Page Cape Cod Times, January 8, 2021Democracy of the Land - The Moo Moo World, Provincetown Arts Magazine 2020
Provincetown Artist Jay Critchley's 'Whiteness House" sends message of race ahead of election
Cape Cod arts: White House as art plus virtual song
People of Colors vs. The Whiteness House King, Elaine. Sculpture Magazine, January/February issue, feature, 2021.
Genter, Ethan. ‘Provincetown Artist Jay Critchley’s ‘Whiteness House’ sends message of race ahead of election,” Cape Cod Times, October 16, 2020.
Driscoll, Kathi Scrizzi. “White House as art plus virtual song,” Cape Cod Times, September 28, 2020.
Karren, Howard. “Jay Critchley’s Apocalyptic Vision of Mayflower 400,” Provincetown Banner, July 25, 2019.
Tarcy, Brian. “Jay Critchley: Artist, Activist, Trickster & Shaman,” Cape Cod Wave Magazine, September 7, 2019.
Cronin, Colleen.“Provincetown again displays solidarity,” Cape Cod Times, June 15, 2018.
Harrington, Leah Triplett. “Santa Fe Art Institute,” The Rib, April 7, 2018.
Guzman, Alicia Inez, Tierra Firme, December 26, 2017.
Volmer, Suzanne. “Provincetown, Massachusetts; Jay Critchley – Provincetown
Art Association and Museum.” Sculpture Magazine, December 2015.
Brown, Susan Rand. “Jay Critchley, Incorporated at the Provincetown Art Association and Museum.” Art New England, May/June 2015.
Thomason, John P. “Jay Critchley.” New Times (Broward Palm Beach), March 29, 2015.
Warren, Tamara. “Art and Old Cars: Jay Critchley’s Deep Bones.” Forbes, Aug 30, 2011.
Shuster, Robert. “Best in Show: ‘Pointing a Telescope at the Sun’ at Minus Space.” Village Voice, Aug 24, 2011.
Johnson, Ken. “Chad Person – ‘A Hero Never Fails’ and Jay Critchley – ‘Deep Bones’.” New Yorker, Aug 18, 2011.
“Jay Critchley: Cryptic Providence”, Art New England, Oct/Nov 2008.
Russell, Jenna. “Artist, deadplan, floats a proposal – Cape turbines’ critic offers a Vegas spin.” Boston Globe, May 2, 2006.
Rodriguez, Bill. “Digging in the dirt: Jay Critchley’s films go underground – literally and figuratively.” Providence Phoenix, Dec 13, 2002: 1.
King, Loren. “Jay Critchley at work.” Boston Globe, June 2, 2002: 18.
“Provincetown’s Septic Savior.” Architecture, Sep 2001.
McKown, Rich. “P-town, Inc., Souvenir Show: Jay Critchley.” Art New England, Oct/Nov 2000.
Simon, Clea. “Talk show breaks last ‘taboo’.” Boston Globe, Aug 17, 2000: E8.
Kennedy, Eileen. “Jay Critchley: Underground Artist with an Agenda.” artsMedia, Summer 2000: 18-19.
Nikki, Usher. “Lympdicks: Standing Tall.” ARTS: The Harvard Crimson, May 2000.
“The Ebb of AIDS? Affirming the metaphor’s relevance in art.” ArtsEditor, Jan 1, 2000.
“Controversial Artist/Activist Jay Critchley Takes Risks and Challenges Assumptions.” Arts SPECTRUM, Office of the Arts at Harvard, Nov 1999: cover and 2.
McQuaid, Kate. “100 years and counting… Theater in the Ground.” Boston Globe, calendar, July 15, 1999: 12.
Lloyd, Ann Wilson. “An Arts Colony Turns Up the Esthetics.” The New York Times, June 13, 1999: 38.
Little, Jane Braxton. “National Design Competition Inspires Creative Concepts for Street Tree Protection.” California Trees, Winter 1998-1999: 1.
Roman, David. “Acts of Intervention, Performance, Culture and AIDS.” Indiana University Press, 1998: 70-71.
“Under Wraps: A Film about going with the Flow.” Margaret Mead Film & Video Festival (American Museum of National History). The New York Times, Oct 25, 1998: AR29.
“Inquiry Ecofeminism”, Whole Earth, Winter 1997: 55.
Gaines, Judith. “Cape artist takes deep look at rental crunch.” Boston Globe, June 25, 1997: B1.
Drefuss, Rochelle Copper and Kwall, Roberta Rosenthal. “Intellectual Property: Trademark, Copyright and Patent Law.” The Foundation Press, Inc., 1996: 59-68.
Kape, Michael. “Art project looks at sports, homophobia.” Southern Voice, Sep 14, 1995: 35.
Glueck, Grace. “Garbage!” The New York Observer, March 13, 1995.
Arts editor. “They know what they like.” San Francisco Chronicles, March 17, 1995.
Zimmer, William. “’Everything I say is art is art, she said.” New York Times, May 1, 1994.
“Old Glory Condoms wins appeal.” National Campaign for Freedom of Expression Bulletin, Spring 1993: 3.
News editor. “Stars and Strife.” People Magazine, May 24, 1993: 62.
Tousignant, Marylou. “Drawing the line on patriotic activity.” Washington Post, May 21, 1992: A11.
Atkins, Robert. “Scene and Heard” Village Voice, April 28, 1992.
Hoffman, Bill. “Old Glory condoms are flag-rant offense: feds.” New York Post, May 21, 1992.
Linton, Marilyn. “Paul Air Ecological Laundry.” The Toronto Sun, March 26, 1992: 48.
“Inadmissible: It’s come up before.” Legal Times, May 4, 1992: 3.
Moss, Debra Cassens, news ed. “Waving the Flag.” Journal of the American Bar Association, April 1992: 35.
“Trademark application for condom raises novel free-speech question.” News editor, Wall Street Journal, Feb 6, 1992.
Armstrong, Liz and Scott, Adrienne. Whitewash. Toronto: Harper Collins Publishers, 1992: 83-84.
Gaines, Judith. “Ringing out the old in a new way.” Boston Globe, Jan 12, 1992: 29.
Atkins, Robert. “There they go again.” Village Voice (Scene & Heard), Nov 26, 1991.
“Concrete Solutions.” New Yorker, Oct 1991: 8.
Richard, Paul. “Making an issue of it.” Washington Post, Sep 24, 1990: B1.
Skeigh, Trystan. “Old Glory’ hits marker.” The Massachusetts Daily Collegian C, no. 13, Sep 21, 1990: 1.
Lees, Shawn. “Man makes American-style condom.” The Diamondback, 83, no. 10, University of Maryland, Sep 13, 1990: 1.
Rogan, Helen. “Forever may it wave.” New York Woman, Sep 1990.
Bonetti, David. “Carrying a torch for Old Glory.” San Francisco Examiner, Aug 30, 1990: C1.
“Old Glory Condom Corporation Marketing Plan.” Simmons College Graduate School of Management. 1990.
“Controversial artist and safer-sex entrepreneur rolls Old Glory condoms to celebrate Flag Day.” Seattle Gay News, June 29, 1990.
Levinson, Nan. “MIT exhibit goes beyond just throwing art at problems.” In These Times, Dec 13-19, 1989.
“The New Condom: Larger than Life.” Newsweek, Oct 30, 1989: 10.
Nickerson, Cindy. “Artists speak their piece about the environment.” Cape Cod Times Magazine, March 31, 1989: 4.
Longcope, Kay. “A tearful yet humorous goodbye.” The Boston Globe, May 29, 1989.
Bierce, Rose; Iduicello, Suzanne; and O’Hara, Kathryn, J. “A Citizens Guide to Plastics in the Ocean: More Than a Litter Problem.” Washington, DC: Center for Environmental Education, 1988: 31.
“Lighter Side of Dissent” Lose Angeles Herald Examiner, Feb 18, 1988: A2.
Friis-Hansen, Dana. “Deadly Serious: Jay Critchley’s Nuclear Recycling Consultants.” Art New England, Oct 10, 1987.
Miller, Amy. “Is this man serious?” New Hampshire Seacoast, Sunday 2, no.28, July 12, 1987: 1.
Iudicello, Suzanne and O’Hara, Kathryn, J. “Plastics in the ocean: more than a litter problem.” Washington, DC: Center for Environmental Education Report, Feb 1987: 55.
Adolph, Jonathan. “Dispose of Creatively.” New Age Journal, Jan/Feb 1987: 13.
“It’s that time of the month.” High Performance, No. 34, 1986: 21.
“Liberty’s waters so foul.” The Register (Monmouth County, NY), July 1, 1986: 1A.
Hanafin, Teresa, M. “Fast-food fight in Provincetown.” Boston Globe, Feb 19, 1986: 30.
Figdore, Sherry. “Tampon applicator sales ban target of clean ocean coalition.” Asbury Park Press, Nov 7, 1985: E1.
Temin, Christine. “Installations steal show at festival.” Boston Globe, Sep 7, 1985.
Bonetti, David. “Remaking the scene: Provincetown’s new glory days.” Boston Phoenix, Sep 3, 1985: 3.
Ryan, Margaret. “Football turns pagan: Popcorn Superbowl.” High Performance, 25, 1984: 87.
Grasa, Greg. “Group wants apartments in TMI cooling towers.” The Sentinel Weekender, (Carlisle, PA), July 9, 1983: A5.
DeLeon, Clark. “Nukes: The NRC’s modest proposal.” Philadelphia Inquirer, July 8, 1983.
MacDonald, Susan. “Mall artist’ stumps for his latest idea.” Daily Hampshire Gazette, March 24, 1983: 1.
McDonald, Susan. “Mall museum: man has idea worth burying.” Daily Hampshire Gazette.
Morgenroth, Lynda. “P-town’s Mr. Sandman.” Boston Globe, Sep 2, 1982: 9.
Cunningham, Michael. “Sand-covered car has family inside.” Provincetown Advocate, July 8, 1982: 8.
Jeffrey, Karen. “Boston museum next stop for artist’s sand-covered car.” Cape Cod Times, March 5, 1982: 6.
“8 days a week.” Boston Phoenix, July 21, 1981: 15.
“But is it art?” Boston Magazine, Sep 1981: 22.
Boles, Robert. “Art parade big hit in town.” Cape Cod Times, Jan 16, 1981: 13.
1969 Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT, B.A. English Literature
2025 Democracy of the Land, Inc.: FLAGrancy, Montserrat College of Art, January 28 - March 5, 2025
2024 Democracy of the Land: Patriotism, Spoke, Boston MA, May 23, 2024
2022 Baby Boomers, AMP Gallery, Provincetown
2021 Democracy of the Land: Viral Warming, AMP Gallery Provincetown, MA
2020 The Whiteness House – tarred and feathered, outdoor, performative installation, Bubala’s, Commercial Street, Provincetown, MA
2017 The Whiteness House – tarred and feathered, Santa Fe Art Institute, NM
2016 Jay Critchley, Incorporated, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL
2015 Jay Critchley, Incorporated, Provincetown Art Association & Museum, Provincetown, MA
2012 The iZONE – Archival Interlude, The Deconsumptionists, Brooklyn, NY
2011 Deep Bones, Freight + Volume, NYC, NY
2009 Big Tent Theory – Obama’s First 100 Days, DNA Gallery, Provincetown, MA
2008 Beige Brigade, artSTRAND Gallery, Provincetown, MA
2006 Beige Motel 21 Gun Dilute, artSTRAND Gallery, Provincetown, MA
2003 Masquerade Ball Project, MilePost 5, Portland, OR
2001 Outermost Alms Museum, DNA Gallery, Provincetown, MA
1997 P-Town, Inc, Casket and Capsule Condo Community, DNA Gallery, Provincetown, MA
1996 Olympdick Gold- It’s hard to be a man, DNA Gallery, Provincetown, MA
1995 Blessed Virgin Rubber Goddess – Immaculate Protection, DNA Gallery, Provincetown, MA
1995 Playing Games- Zoa, the Greek Fertility Goddess, Shoots for the Gold, Atlantic Festival of the Arts, Atlanta, GA
1992 Condomized Living: Smart Accoutrements For An Erotic Planet, Berta Walker Gallery, Provincetown, MA
1985 TACKItown, Hells Kitchen Gallery, Provincetown, MA
2016 Fine Arts Work Center, AMP Art Market Provincetown, Berta Walker Gallery, Provincetown, MA
2014 Fire & Ice: Video, AMP Art Market Provincetown, MA
2011 The Projected Image, ArtSTRAND Gallery, Provincetown, MA
2011 Martucket Eyeland Resort & Theme Park, University Museum of Contemporary Art, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
Exhibition of Boston Society of Architects, traveling to England, France, Holland and Germany.
2008 GLOBAL YAWNING for a small planet – a new day is yawning, artSTRAND, Provincetown, MA
2008 GLOBAL YAWNING for a small planet – a new day is yawning, Boston Center for the Arts, Boston, MA
2007 Old Glory Condom Corporation, The LAB, San Francisco, CA
2006 Martucket Eyeland Resort & Theme Park, Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, PA
2005 Masquerade Ball Project, Fine Arts Work Center, Provincetown, MA
2003 S.A.R.S/CARS- Weapons of Gas Destruction, DNA Gallery, Provincetown, MA
1997 Old Glory Condom Corporation, MIT List Visual Arts Center, Cambridge, MA
1995 Blessed Virgin Rubber Goddess – Immaculate Protection, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, MA
1994 Blessed Virgin Rubber Goddess – Immaculate Protection, Boston Center for the Arts, Boston, MA
1994 Over The Rainbow Rubbers – Worn with Toto Pride, Storefront for Art and Architecture, NYC, NY
1994 Condomized Living: Smart Accoutrements For An Erotic Planet, 494 Gallery, NYC, NY
1992 TACKI Installation, Art in General, NYC, NY
1992 Old Glory Condom Corporation, Real Art Ways, Hartford, CT
1990 Old Glory Condom Corporation, Hartford Athenaeum, Hartford, CT
1990 Old Glory Condom Corporation, San Francisco Art Institute, CA
1990 Old Glory Condom Corporation, University of Maryland, College Park, PA
2025 42nd Re-Rooters Day Ceremony, Harbor Hotel beach, 4:00 PM, Tuesday, January 7, 2025
2024 41st Re-Rooters Day Ceremony, Harbor Hotel beach, 4 PM, January 7, 2024
2023 Jay Critchley gives keynote at UK Menstruation and Sustainability Conference in Scotland, May 26
2022 40th Annual Re-Rooters Day Ceremony to Highlight Global Exploitive Economy with Ritualized Community Participation, Dec 7
2016 Don’t Be Crude: H2O-I-L, Institute of Sociometry, Los Angeles, CA
2016 Bound East for Easter Rebellion, AMP Gallery, Provincetown, MA
2014 Planet Snowvio, UC Berkeley Art Museum, Berkeley, CA
1983-present Re-Rooters Day Ceremony, Int’l Re-Rooters Society (IRS), annual ritual/ceremony on January 7, Provincetown, MA
2015 Experiments & Disorders, Dixon Place, NYC, NY
2014 Planet SNOWVIO, University of California, Berkley Art Museum, Berkley, CA
2014 Planet SNOWVIO, Provincetown Theater, Provincetown, MA
2009 21 Gun Salute, Tennessee Williams Theater Festival, Provincetown, MA
2010 Masquerade Ball Project, Hemispheric Institute for Performance & Politics, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2008 Martucket Eyeland Resort & Theme Park − Trust the magic, Mass College of Art, Boston, MA
2008 Martucket Eyeland Resort & Theme Park − Trust the magic, Boston Society of Architects, award ceremony, Boston, MA
2007 21 Gun Dilute, Beige Motel, Pilgrim Springs Motel, North Truro, MA
2000 No With the Flow, Race Point Beach, Cape Cod National Seashore, Provincetown, MA
1991 Atomic Pulpit – Nuke My Lips (ekuN yM spiL), and public installation, Boston Center for the Arts, Boston, MA
1990 Re-Rooted Purple Cow, Williams Collage, Williamstown, MA
1990 Lympdick Diatribes, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
1988 Homage To The Atomic Age, Penn State Museum, College Park, PA
1987 Dedication of the World’s 1st NRC Community, Phipps Bend, TN
1986 Miss Tampon Liberty, Freedom for the Environment Rally, Liberty State Park, NJ
1986 Women for Whoppers, Burger King public hearing, Provincetown Town Hall, Provincetown, MA
1985 Atomic Equinox, Mass College of Art, Boston, MA
1985 Atomic Equinox, Provincetown Art Association & Museum, Provincetown, MA
1984 Popcorn Superbowl, Provincetown Art Association & Museum, Provincetown, MA
1983 Immunity Mandala – a community ritual, AIDS healing ritual, Provincetown Harbor Beach, Provincetown, MA
2016-19 Prayer Ribbons, from the Provincetown Swim for Life AIDS and women’s health benefit, Provincetown Community Compact; Provincetown Town Hall, Orlando, FL. and Capitol Hill, Washington, DC
2016 Septic Sculpture, collaboration with Florida Atlantic University students/faculty; Jay Critchley, Incorporated, Boca Raton, FL
2014 Beige Ice, sand-covered frozen pond, Cape Cod National Seashore, Provincetown, MA
2012 Ten Days That Shook the World: the Centennial Decade, Herring Cove Beach Bathhouse, Cape Cod National Seashore, Provincetown, MA
2008 Final Passage, Cryptic Providence, North Burial Ground, Providence, RI
2008 Twenty-One Gun Salute, PULSE, Art Basel Miami, Miami, FL
2007 Beige Motel, Pilgrim Springs Motel, North Truro, MA
2006 BEIGE Project, Beige Brigade, Revolving Museum, Lowell, MA
2001 Tiresome Tabernacle, Cape Cod National Seashore, Provincetown, MA
1995 Blessed Virgin Rubber Goddess – Immaculate Protection, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, MA
1995 Blessed Virgin Rubber Goddess – Immaculate Protection, Boston Center for the Arts, Boston, MA
1988 Future Earth Corporation, Boston City Hall outdoor atrium, Boston, MA
1987 Live Free Or Die, National Nuclear Monument & Energy Research Institute at Seabrook, billboard installations, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, highway locations MA/NH
1985 Satellite At Lotta’s Landing, Boston Arts Festival, Charles River Esplanade, Boston, MA
1984 Just Visiting For The Weekend; Blasted, sand car sculpture series, MacMillan Wharf Parking Lot, Provincetown, MA
1983 Just Visiting For The Weekend; A Fulfilling Summer, sand car sculpture series, MacMillan Wharf Parking Lot, Provincetown, MA
1982 Just Visiting For The Weekend; the Sand Family, sand car sculpture series, MacMillan Wharf Parking Lot, Provincetown, MA
1982 Just Visiting For The Weekend, sand car sculpture series, Boston’s Museum of Transportation, Boston, MA
1981 Just Visiting For The Weekend, sand car sculpture series, MacMillan Wharf Parking Lot, Provincetown, MA
2012 Ten Days That Shook the World: the Centennial Decade, 50 artists, 30 events, Herring Cove Beach Bathhouse, Cape Cod National Seashore, Provincetown, MA
2008 Cryptic Providence, 12 artists, North Burial Ground, Providence, RI
2007 Beige Motel, 7 artists, Pilgrim Springs Motel, North Truro, MA
2003 LETOM SWODAEM (Meadows Motel), 8 artists, Meadows Motel, Provincetown, MA
2001 Tiresome Tabernacle, 20 performers, Cape Cod National Seashore, Provincetown, MA
1999 100 Artists in the Community, produced by the Provincetown Community Compact, 15 art projects, Provincetown, MA
1998-2004 Theater in the Ground @ Septic Space, 30 performers per year, in artist’s backyard septic tank, 7 Carnes Lane, Provincetown, MA
1992 Conn-dom Nation, Real Art Ways, 15 teenagers, Hartford, CT
2016 Prayer Ribbons Project, World AIDS Day, Cannon Caucus Room, US Congress, Washington, DC
2016 Prayer Ribbons Project, with families of Orlando nightclub shooting, Leu Gardens and Orlando City Hall, Orlando, FL
1988-present Swim for Life, annual fundraiser for HIV/AIDS services
1993-present The Provincetown Community Compact, non-profit arts organization
2013 Arts Foundation of Cape Cod grant, Centerville, MA
2011 Awesome Foundation grant, Boston, MA
2007 Rhode Island Foundation grant, Providence, RI
2006 Boston Society of Architects, special recognition for Martucket Eyeland Resort & Theme Park, Boston, MA
2004 LEF Foundation grant, Cambridge, MA
2002 HBO Award, Toilet Treatments, Provincetown International Film Festival, Provincetown, MA
2002 Tanne Foundation award, Boston, MA
2000 LEF Foundation grant, Cambridge, MA
1999 LEF Foundation grant, Cambridge, MA
1998 National Art & Design Competition for Street Trees, Big Twig awarded 1st Prize from City University of NY, Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum/Smithsonian, and Trees NYC, NY
1998 The Holistic Options for Planet Earth Sustainability Conference (HOPES), award for Big Twig, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
1996 Massachusetts Cultural Council grant
1994 Massachusetts Cultural Council grant
1994 LEF Foundation grant, Cambridge, MA
1994 Arts Foundation of Cape Cod grant, Hyannis, MA
1991 Massachusetts Artist Foundation grant, Boston, MA
1991 LEF Foundation grant, Cambridge, MA
1991 Art Matters grant, NYC, NY
1990 Art Matters grant, NYC, NY
1989 Franklin Furnace, Performance Art Award, NYC, NY
1989 Public Art Fund grant, NYC, NY
1985 Massachusetts Council on the Arts, New Works grant
Museum of Modern Art, NYC, NY
Provincetown Art Association and Museum, Provincetown, MA
Pilgrim Monument & Museum, Provincetown, MA
2021 Cill Rialaig, Ballinskelligs, Co. Kerry, Ireland
2017 Santa Fe Art Institute, Santa Fe, New Mexico
2015 Cape Cod Community College, Barnstable, MA
2013 Fundación Valparaiso, Mojacar, Spain
2013 CAMAC, Marnay-sur-Seine, France
2010 Milepost 5, Portland, OR
2002 Harvestworks Digital Media Arts Center, NYC, NY
2001 AS220, Providence, RI
1999-2000 Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
1993 Jacob’s Pillow, Becket, MA
1990 Williams College, Williamstown, MA
1988 Real Art Ways, Hartford, CT
1987 Real Art Ways, Hartford, CT
2016 Post-Truth: Smoke Screen, Institute of Sociometry, Los Angeles, CA
2013 Fireflies in the Night: The Great American Wigwam Burner, (16 min 32 sec), Portland, OR
2013 Post-Truth Smoke Screen Deployment, (5 min 2 sec), Provincetown, MA
2012 The iZone – Port-O-Potty to Port-O-Planet, (2 min 23 sec), Provincetown, MA
2011 Day Without Oil – Don’t Be Crude: “BP: Life is Good” (2 min 35 sec), “BP: Don’t Be Crude” (2 min 22 sec) and “BP: Be My Valentine” (2 min 42 sec),
2010 21 Gun Salute, (9 min 54 sec) Provincetown Harbor, MA, Provincetown, MA
2008 GLOBAL YAWNING for a small planet – a new day is yawning, (2 min 56 sec), two-channel video, photos, website
2009 GLOBAL YAWNING for a small planet – a new day is yawning, Bogotá, Columbia
2009 PIECE – Yes We Can, The First 100 Days of PIECE, (7 min 3 sec), Provincetown, MA
2007 Prime Minister Vladimir Putin Visits Beige Motel, (1 min 42 sec), Provincetown, MA
2007 Transamerica – Condoms with a Conscience, (4 min), San Francisco, CA
2006 Christmas Warming Alphabet, (2 min 6 sec) Provincetown, MA
2005 Providence Dirt Newsreel, (18 min) Providence, RI
2004 Big Twig Tunnel Tapes – Boston’s Big Dig Sings, CD and 15 min video, Boston, MA
2002 Toilet Treatments, Provincetown, MA
2021 Provincetown 2020 – 36 Solar Lights (8 min), Provincetown International Film Festival
2015 Fireflies in the Night: The Great American Wigwam Burner, Eugene International Film Festival, Eugene, OR
2015 Jay Critchley: Business as Unusual, showcase, Provincetown Int’l Film Festival, MA
2006 Christmas Warming Alphabet, Provincetown Int’l Film Festival, Provincetown, MA
2005 Providence Dirt Newsreel, Anthology Film Archives, NY
2005 Toilet Treatments, Anthology Film Archives, NY
2002 Providence Dirt Newsreel, AS220, Providence, RI
2002 Toilet Treatments, HBO Audience Award, Provincetown Int’l Film Festival, Provincetown, MA
2015 Jay Critchley, Incorporated, 76-page catalog, Provincetown Arts Press, Provincetown, MA
2015 Touching the Beach. Provincetown Arts Magazine, Issue 30, 2015: 78.
2005 Martucket Eyeland Resort & Theme Park proposed for Nantucket Sound, Cape Cod Magazine, Nov/Dec 2005: 98.
1997 Cultural Battlefield: Art Censorship & Public Art Funding, Jennifer A. Peter and Louis M. Crosier, Avocus, Gilsum, NH
1999 P-town, Inc: Survivalist Camp Resort, with placemat insert, Provincetown Arts Press, Provincetown, MA
1999 P-town, Inc: Survivalist Camp Resort, Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review, Vol. 6, Issue 3; 38
1995 Playing Games – Zoa, the Greek Fertility Goddess, Shoots for the Gold, Atlantic Arts Festival, Parfait de Cocoa, Atlanta, GA
1993 Promotional Copy, Ed. Robin Kahn, NY, NY
1993 Special Issue, Ed. Robin Kahn, NY, NY
1992 Movement Research, Eds. Cathy Edwards and Kate Ramsey, Issue 5, NYC, NY
1992 “Emerald Links: Eco-Linkage for Survival.” Massachusetts Highway Department Report, Nov 1992: 25-27.
1984 Build Your Own Monument, Provincetown, MA
2020 Democracy of the Land – The Moo Moo World 1620, Provincetown Arts Press, Provincetown, MA
2016 is Emancipation, 1995-2016, Institute of Sociometry at 21, is Press, Denver, CO
2015 Building Provincetown: The History of Provincetown Told Through Its Built Environment, David W. Dunlap, Provincetown, MA
2013 “Moby Dick Big Read: Chapter 84: Pitchpoling,” Peninsula Arts with Plymouth University
2006 Washed Up: The Curious Journeys of Flotsam and Jetsam, Skye Moody, Sasquash Books, Seattle, WA
2003 Outspoken, Nan Levinson, University of California Press, Berkley, CA
2002 Ptown-Art, Sex, and Money on the Outer Cape, Peter Manso, Scribner, NY, NY
1986 Sex and Death to the Age 14, Spalding Gray, Vintage: Random House, NY, NY
2009 Ptown Diaries, documentary film, LOGO TV, NYC, NY
1996 Under Wraps: A Film about Going with the Flow, documentary film, 56 min, National Film Board of Canada
1990 Provincetown, U.S.A., PBS documentary, WGBH Boston, MA
1989 Troubled Waters-Plastics in the Marine Environment, PBS documentary, Amherst, MA
Peace, Love & Soup podcast, P-Town Soup #1: Entering Provincetown, 2020
Listen to “Lucy’s Sonic ID”, Lucy Kang Interviewing Laura Shabott about ReRooters Day Ceremony, June 9, 2015
Conceptual Craft Artist Jay Critchley, The Lowdown with Ira Wood, WOMR 92.1 FM, Provincetown, MA, May 26, 2015
Joshua Prager and Jay Critchley, Arts Week with Jeannette de Beauvoir, WOMR 92.1 FM, Provincetown, MA, May 14, 2015
Provincetown Performance Artist Jay Critchley Finds Unusual Path to Fame, Lucy Kang, WCAI Local NPR for the Cape, the Coast and the Islands, 90.1FM, May 25, 2015
Janet Lesniak and Jay Critchley, Arts Week with Jeannette de Beauvoir, WOMR 92.1 FM, Provincetown, MA, April 2, 2015
Provincetown – The Gayest Little City in the World, Eric Jansen, KALW 91.7FM, San Francisco, CA, April 16, 2015
Jay Critchley, Arts Week with Jeannette de Beauvoir, WOMR 92.1 FM, Provincetown, MA, Jan 8, 2015
Artist Jay Critchley, Arts Week with Jeannette de Beauvoir, WOMR 92.1 FM, Provincetown, MA, Jan 9, 2014
Artist and Activist Jay Critchley Discusses the 25th Anniversary of the Provincetown Harbor Swim for Life and Paddler Flotilla, Charlotte Robinson, Outtake Voices, HuffPost Gay Voices, Aug 30, 2012
The Art of Global Warming, Life on Earth, March 28, 2008.
2000 Scat Chat, 13 programs, WOMR 92.1 FM, Provincetown, MA
1983 A.R.T. Focus (Artists Reveal Themselves), 45 programs, WOMR 92.1 FM, Provincetown, MA
2008 Beige Motel Arrives in Boston, Rose Kennedy Greenway, Boston, MA
1997 P-town, Inc: Formerly Provincetown “You’ll Swear You Were Really There”, Provincetown, MA
1997 P-Town, Inc, Visitor Processing Center, Provincetown, MA
1995 Blessed Virgin Rubber Goddess: Enola Ebola – Atomic Virus, 1945-1995
1993 Puzzled Club International – Piece to Peace, Provincetown, MA
1992 Clear Cut Living, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
1991 The Fertility Project: Cape Cod Bay Tampon Blockade, Cape Cod Bay, MA
1988 National Seismic Radiation Institute at Diablo Canyon, San Luis Obispo, CA
1987 World’s 1st Whale and Human Evacuation Canal on Cape Cod, MA
1986 World’s 1st Nuclear Resort Community, Seabrook, MA
1985 Underwater Diplomacy – U.S.S.R. Sub Zero Project
1983 Three Mile Island Historic Nuclear Park & Planned Community – a Symbol of National Pride, Londonderry, PA
1982 Mountain Farms Mall Monument & Museum of Modern Archaeology, 1982 A.D., Hadley, MA
Re-Rooters Day Ceremony, ptownie, Aug. 17, 2023
Dark Valley Podcast Chapter 2, Time Will Tell, The unsolved murder of Betsy Critchley, 2023
The Menstrual Minstrel Visits Scotland, Provincetown Independent, June 8, 2023
Remembering Pulse Shooting Victims with Orlando Prayer Ribbons, Orlando, FL June 9, 2023
Miss Tampon Liberty, St. Andrews UniversityNewsletter, June 2, 2023
Casting Out the Worst of the Old Year, Cape Cod Times, January 7, 2023
Arts of Renewal for Troubled Times, Provincetown Independent, January 4, 2023
40th Annual Re-Rooters Day Ceremony to Highlight Global Exploitive Economy with Ritualized Community Participation, Dec 7, 2022
O'Neill Society News, with Susan Rand Brown, Fall, 2022.
Artists of Provincetown, by Ron Amato Ptownie, 2022 Art Issue
Michael J. Andrews: We Are All Connected by Jay Critchley, Ptownie, 2022 Art Issue
LISTEN: Veteran Filmmakers Talk LGBTQ Issues at Ptown Film Festival, June 2022
'Angels are Still Dancing': Pulse Victims Remembered in Orlando 6 Years Later, WESH, June 10, 2022
The Alternate Realities of Michael J. Andrews, The Provincetown Independent, May 25, 2022
Covid Masks Among Discards at Annual Re-Rooters Day Event, January 10, 2022
Viral Walking, Provincetown Arts, 2021-2022
Last Day First Day, 2021, page 17, 2021
Miss Tampon Liberty, Discard Studies, Jun 15, 2021
AN EXTRACTION EPIDEMIC, Provincetown Magazine, June 9, 2021 -
THE ART OF COVID Jay Critchley’s Banner Year, Provincetown Independent, May 26, 2021
At Home in Jay Critchley's Cesspool, Provincetown Independent, May 12, 2021
A Conversation with Jay Critchley, Sculpture Magazine, March/April 2021
After potato submission, artist Jay Critchley eyes new projects in ancestral lands, Provincetown Banner, March 7, 2021
The Great Wonder, Inside Ireland, January 29 2021
The Whiteness House, buildingprovincetown2020.org, January 28, 2021
38th Re-Rooters Day Ceremony Front Page Cape Cod Times, January 8, 2021Democracy of the Land - The Moo Moo World, Provincetown Arts Magazine 2020
Provincetown Artist Jay Critchley's 'Whiteness House" sends message of race ahead of election
Cape Cod arts: White House as art plus virtual song
People of Colors vs. The Whiteness House King, Elaine. Sculpture Magazine, January/February issue, feature, 2021.
Genter, Ethan. ‘Provincetown Artist Jay Critchley’s ‘Whiteness House’ sends message of race ahead of election,” Cape Cod Times, October 16, 2020.
Driscoll, Kathi Scrizzi. “White House as art plus virtual song,” Cape Cod Times, September 28, 2020.
Karren, Howard. “Jay Critchley’s Apocalyptic Vision of Mayflower 400,” Provincetown Banner, July 25, 2019.
Tarcy, Brian. “Jay Critchley: Artist, Activist, Trickster & Shaman,” Cape Cod Wave Magazine, September 7, 2019.
Cronin, Colleen.“Provincetown again displays solidarity,” Cape Cod Times, June 15, 2018.
Harrington, Leah Triplett. “Santa Fe Art Institute,” The Rib, April 7, 2018.
Guzman, Alicia Inez, Tierra Firme, December 26, 2017.
Volmer, Suzanne. “Provincetown, Massachusetts; Jay Critchley – Provincetown
Art Association and Museum.” Sculpture Magazine, December 2015.
Brown, Susan Rand. “Jay Critchley, Incorporated at the Provincetown Art Association and Museum.” Art New England, May/June 2015.
Thomason, John P. “Jay Critchley.” New Times (Broward Palm Beach), March 29, 2015.
Warren, Tamara. “Art and Old Cars: Jay Critchley’s Deep Bones.” Forbes, Aug 30, 2011.
Shuster, Robert. “Best in Show: ‘Pointing a Telescope at the Sun’ at Minus Space.” Village Voice, Aug 24, 2011.
Johnson, Ken. “Chad Person – ‘A Hero Never Fails’ and Jay Critchley – ‘Deep Bones’.” New Yorker, Aug 18, 2011.
“Jay Critchley: Cryptic Providence”, Art New England, Oct/Nov 2008.
Russell, Jenna. “Artist, deadplan, floats a proposal – Cape turbines’ critic offers a Vegas spin.” Boston Globe, May 2, 2006.
Rodriguez, Bill. “Digging in the dirt: Jay Critchley’s films go underground – literally and figuratively.” Providence Phoenix, Dec 13, 2002: 1.
King, Loren. “Jay Critchley at work.” Boston Globe, June 2, 2002: 18.
“Provincetown’s Septic Savior.” Architecture, Sep 2001.
McKown, Rich. “P-town, Inc., Souvenir Show: Jay Critchley.” Art New England, Oct/Nov 2000.
Simon, Clea. “Talk show breaks last ‘taboo’.” Boston Globe, Aug 17, 2000: E8.
Kennedy, Eileen. “Jay Critchley: Underground Artist with an Agenda.” artsMedia, Summer 2000: 18-19.
Nikki, Usher. “Lympdicks: Standing Tall.” ARTS: The Harvard Crimson, May 2000.
“The Ebb of AIDS? Affirming the metaphor’s relevance in art.” ArtsEditor, Jan 1, 2000.
“Controversial Artist/Activist Jay Critchley Takes Risks and Challenges Assumptions.” Arts SPECTRUM, Office of the Arts at Harvard, Nov 1999: cover and 2.
McQuaid, Kate. “100 years and counting… Theater in the Ground.” Boston Globe, calendar, July 15, 1999: 12.
Lloyd, Ann Wilson. “An Arts Colony Turns Up the Esthetics.” The New York Times, June 13, 1999: 38.
Little, Jane Braxton. “National Design Competition Inspires Creative Concepts for Street Tree Protection.” California Trees, Winter 1998-1999: 1.
Roman, David. “Acts of Intervention, Performance, Culture and AIDS.” Indiana University Press, 1998: 70-71.
“Under Wraps: A Film about going with the Flow.” Margaret Mead Film & Video Festival (American Museum of National History). The New York Times, Oct 25, 1998: AR29.
“Inquiry Ecofeminism”, Whole Earth, Winter 1997: 55.
Gaines, Judith. “Cape artist takes deep look at rental crunch.” Boston Globe, June 25, 1997: B1.
Drefuss, Rochelle Copper and Kwall, Roberta Rosenthal. “Intellectual Property: Trademark, Copyright and Patent Law.” The Foundation Press, Inc., 1996: 59-68.
Kape, Michael. “Art project looks at sports, homophobia.” Southern Voice, Sep 14, 1995: 35.
Glueck, Grace. “Garbage!” The New York Observer, March 13, 1995.
Arts editor. “They know what they like.” San Francisco Chronicles, March 17, 1995.
Zimmer, William. “’Everything I say is art is art, she said.” New York Times, May 1, 1994.
“Old Glory Condoms wins appeal.” National Campaign for Freedom of Expression Bulletin, Spring 1993: 3.
News editor. “Stars and Strife.” People Magazine, May 24, 1993: 62.
Tousignant, Marylou. “Drawing the line on patriotic activity.” Washington Post, May 21, 1992: A11.
Atkins, Robert. “Scene and Heard” Village Voice, April 28, 1992.
Hoffman, Bill. “Old Glory condoms are flag-rant offense: feds.” New York Post, May 21, 1992.
Linton, Marilyn. “Paul Air Ecological Laundry.” The Toronto Sun, March 26, 1992: 48.
“Inadmissible: It’s come up before.” Legal Times, May 4, 1992: 3.
Moss, Debra Cassens, news ed. “Waving the Flag.” Journal of the American Bar Association, April 1992: 35.
“Trademark application for condom raises novel free-speech question.” News editor, Wall Street Journal, Feb 6, 1992.
Armstrong, Liz and Scott, Adrienne. Whitewash. Toronto: Harper Collins Publishers, 1992: 83-84.
Gaines, Judith. “Ringing out the old in a new way.” Boston Globe, Jan 12, 1992: 29.
Atkins, Robert. “There they go again.” Village Voice (Scene & Heard), Nov 26, 1991.
“Concrete Solutions.” New Yorker, Oct 1991: 8.
Richard, Paul. “Making an issue of it.” Washington Post, Sep 24, 1990: B1.
Skeigh, Trystan. “Old Glory’ hits marker.” The Massachusetts Daily Collegian C, no. 13, Sep 21, 1990: 1.
Lees, Shawn. “Man makes American-style condom.” The Diamondback, 83, no. 10, University of Maryland, Sep 13, 1990: 1.
Rogan, Helen. “Forever may it wave.” New York Woman, Sep 1990.
Bonetti, David. “Carrying a torch for Old Glory.” San Francisco Examiner, Aug 30, 1990: C1.
“Old Glory Condom Corporation Marketing Plan.” Simmons College Graduate School of Management. 1990.
“Controversial artist and safer-sex entrepreneur rolls Old Glory condoms to celebrate Flag Day.” Seattle Gay News, June 29, 1990.
Levinson, Nan. “MIT exhibit goes beyond just throwing art at problems.” In These Times, Dec 13-19, 1989.
“The New Condom: Larger than Life.” Newsweek, Oct 30, 1989: 10.
Nickerson, Cindy. “Artists speak their piece about the environment.” Cape Cod Times Magazine, March 31, 1989: 4.
Longcope, Kay. “A tearful yet humorous goodbye.” The Boston Globe, May 29, 1989.
Bierce, Rose; Iduicello, Suzanne; and O’Hara, Kathryn, J. “A Citizens Guide to Plastics in the Ocean: More Than a Litter Problem.” Washington, DC: Center for Environmental Education, 1988: 31.
“Lighter Side of Dissent” Lose Angeles Herald Examiner, Feb 18, 1988: A2.
Friis-Hansen, Dana. “Deadly Serious: Jay Critchley’s Nuclear Recycling Consultants.” Art New England, Oct 10, 1987.
Miller, Amy. “Is this man serious?” New Hampshire Seacoast, Sunday 2, no.28, July 12, 1987: 1.
Iudicello, Suzanne and O’Hara, Kathryn, J. “Plastics in the ocean: more than a litter problem.” Washington, DC: Center for Environmental Education Report, Feb 1987: 55.
Adolph, Jonathan. “Dispose of Creatively.” New Age Journal, Jan/Feb 1987: 13.
“It’s that time of the month.” High Performance, No. 34, 1986: 21.
“Liberty’s waters so foul.” The Register (Monmouth County, NY), July 1, 1986: 1A.
Hanafin, Teresa, M. “Fast-food fight in Provincetown.” Boston Globe, Feb 19, 1986: 30.
Figdore, Sherry. “Tampon applicator sales ban target of clean ocean coalition.” Asbury Park Press, Nov 7, 1985: E1.
Temin, Christine. “Installations steal show at festival.” Boston Globe, Sep 7, 1985.
Bonetti, David. “Remaking the scene: Provincetown’s new glory days.” Boston Phoenix, Sep 3, 1985: 3.
Ryan, Margaret. “Football turns pagan: Popcorn Superbowl.” High Performance, 25, 1984: 87.
Grasa, Greg. “Group wants apartments in TMI cooling towers.” The Sentinel Weekender, (Carlisle, PA), July 9, 1983: A5.
DeLeon, Clark. “Nukes: The NRC’s modest proposal.” Philadelphia Inquirer, July 8, 1983.
MacDonald, Susan. “Mall artist’ stumps for his latest idea.” Daily Hampshire Gazette, March 24, 1983: 1.
McDonald, Susan. “Mall museum: man has idea worth burying.” Daily Hampshire Gazette.
Morgenroth, Lynda. “P-town’s Mr. Sandman.” Boston Globe, Sep 2, 1982: 9.
Cunningham, Michael. “Sand-covered car has family inside.” Provincetown Advocate, July 8, 1982: 8.
Jeffrey, Karen. “Boston museum next stop for artist’s sand-covered car.” Cape Cod Times, March 5, 1982: 6.
“8 days a week.” Boston Phoenix, July 21, 1981: 15.
“But is it art?” Boston Magazine, Sep 1981: 22.
Boles, Robert. “Art parade big hit in town.” Cape Cod Times, Jan 16, 1981: 13.
1969 Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT, B.A. English Literature